The team
The HvW Lab is located at the Faculty of Sustainability at Leuphana University. In addition to Prof. von Henrik von Wehrden, we are post-doctoral researchers, research associates, PhD students, as well as student assistants from bachelor’s and master’s level.
Henrik von Wehrden
Prof. Henrik von Wehrden (* 1976) holds a PhD in Biology and is Professor for Scientific Methods.

How we work

We work together. We believe that each of us, no matter the academic position, has valuable expertise to share, and can profoundly contribute towards a joint goal. We build bridges to other institutions and towards society.

We focus on solutions. Our research targets the development of practical knowledge that can be used to foster sustainable development. Our teaching conveys experience in the application of scientific methods to empower students in their scientific careers from the first semester.

We question the status quo. Our research questions long-held assumptions about socio-ecological systems and attempts to find answers to the question how the world ought to be. Our teaching doesn’t content itself with how it has always been done, but explores new ways of providing students with scientific knowledge and knowledge about science.
Current team members

Julius Rathgens, PhD
Associate Researcher

Matteo Ramin
B.Sc. Student Studium Individuale

Oskar Lemke
B.Sc. Student Environmental Science

Olga Kuznetsova
B.Sc. Student Environmental Science

Carlo Krügermeier
B.Sc. Student Environmental Science & Political Science

Philip Bernert
PhD Student

Friederike Baier
M.Sc. Student Data Science

Chân Lê
M.Sc. Student Data Science

Linda von Heydebreck
B.Sc. Student Environmental Science

John-Oliver Engler, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Neha Chauhan
PhD Student

Christopher Franz
Scientific Associate

Elisabeth Frank
B.Sc. Student Environmental Science
Iman Aoulkadi
B.Sc. Student Environmental Science & Cultural Studies